Real Property Management Platinum

Helpful Air Filter Information

Helpful Air Filter Information can be found pretty much anywhere and as long as you are knowledgeable about the different types of ac filters, you should keep a good flowing HVAC system going.

A nasty and filthy air filter decreases the effectiveness of your HVAC system because it inhibits airflow and allows dirt, dust, pollen and other materials to blow through the system. If you are not maintaining your HVAC system and replacing your air filters every month or so, you are indeed going to damage your AC system.

Below are some different types of Air Filters overall Helpful Air Filter Information :
Fiberglass panel filters – They are inexpensive and can be found just about anywhere. However they are not the most efficient and most allow the dust just to pass on through.

Pleated air filters – Pretty good choice of air filters. As these filters collect dirt, they begin to impact air flow. Allergy sufferers can benefit from this type of filter. These should be changed every two to three months based on local conditions.

HEPA air filters – This stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance. These “special” filters are by far more efficient and cost a bit more than the other filters discussed. Since these are pretty good filters and work a bit harder, they need to be changed every month.

Electrostatic air filters -These costly air filters are permanent and washable. These pricey filters are more money initially but the savings will be based on how long they last. This type does not add to landfill issues or produce ozone.

Improperly maintained filters will lower the quality of the air in the home and will have a negative impact on air flow. Even if you are a tenant renting a home this will cause it to use more electricity and eventually require maintenance to the systems thus causing a maintenance issue.

Set a reminder on your phone or computer to change out the air filter every month of so in your home. Be sure to always keep a supply of air filters on hand. If you have any issues or questions about your air filters or any maintenance issues, please call us at RPM Platinum (559) 428-9130.