Real Property Management Platinum

Smart Home Technology to Improve Your Rental Property

Most River Park property owners are weighing if affixing smart home technology in their rental property is an ideal and worthwhile investment. The short answer is that the potential returns for so many smart home devices actually vary. Accordingly, what are the best smart home gadgets for a rental property? Let’s look at a few of those that are in increasing demand among renters across the country.

Advanced Safety Systems

Based on a recent cutting-edge survey, more than 75% of renters are willing to pay a premium rent for dwellings that offer assorted smart home features. Absolutely, more than half of these renters said they would readily pay an extra $20 or more for smart home features. Renters also specifically requested three types of smart home equipment, with safety features, for example, smart locks and smart doorbells, topping the list.

Smart locks are electronic devices that allows you and your tenant to secure or access a property without the necessity of a physical key. There are various types of smart locks, but in fact, the majority are opened by a phone app or a pin code. Tenants prefer smart locks in consideration for the fact that they can check on their home security from their phones, while River Park property managers, on the other hand, favor smart locks on the grounds that they want to avoid the need to replace locks when tenants change. Smart doorbells, alternatively, aid tenants to filter guests and look into who goes in and out of the property. This security feature might be very attractive, expressly to younger adult tenants who have fun keeping a close eye on their home and valuables.

Smart Energy Management

Tenants are, moreover, very interested in smart home devices that help easily track and cut utility expenses. Smart thermostats, smart light bulbs, and smart plugs are all normal products that can be administered via a smartphone app. The app conveniently allows you to control the thermostat temperature, turn on and off lights, and turn off energy to outlets. These gadgets assist to save energy and prevent the risk of fire or other hazards accidentally produced by leaving things on. The fact that these devices are pretty dime-store or very affordable to install, but certainly a huge attraction for renters is probably the most appealing benefit for property owners.

Moisture Sensors

Lastly, moisture sensors are smart home gadgets that supply a multitude of benefits to both tenants and property owners. Water leaks are actually one of the most common issues that tenants and property owners confront. Basements, under cabinets, and behind appliances are all typical issue spots where water leaks can form and go undiscovered for a considerable amount of time. Water damage is an expensive repair, chiefly if it has progressed to the point where wood rot or mold has sadly developed. Putting up smart moisture sensors can aid you in detecting water leaks earlier and scheduling necessary maintenance and repairs straight away and quite easily. Your tenant will be undoubtedly relieved that water-related damage has been avoided, and you will surely save money by averting high-priced emergency repairs.

In summation, the best smart home tech for your rental property are those devices that will pay you back in higher rent or happier tenants – or both. It may equally capture the interest of a more tech-savvy renter demographic to your rental property if that is something you’ve aspired to do.


Real Property Management Platinum can surely help you successfully optimize your profits and modernize your rental property. Contact us online today!