There Are Some Great Trees for Small Yards
Even small spaces or gardens can be home to a variety of trees. If you have a small yard to work with, here are the best trees to give you that lovely multi-stemmed shrub and shade.
Serviceberry – Serviceberry (Sugar-plum or Juneberry or Saskatoon) is a species of Amelanchier trees and are available in varying heights ranging from shrub-sized to small tree. Some of these trees produce delicious blueberry-like fruit after the fragrant white flowers are pollinated.
Crape Myrtle – Also called Crape Myrtle or “Lilac of the South” these trees perform well in full sun locations since they are heat tolerant. They produce showy flowers and are priced for their beautiful, shedding bark during summer. Their heights range from compact shrub to 30-foot tree, with their flowers taking white or fuchsia colors. Some crape myrtle blooms in mid to late summer while others bloom in early winter.
Dogwood – The flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) is the most common species of dogwood trees but there are other varieties that range from shrub-size to tree-sizes. They usually thrive in a moist, shadier environment. With showy flowers in white, pink or red, dogwoods can add a burst of spring color to your yard.
Japanese Maple – A typical Japanese Maple tree that is ideal for small yards is Acer palmatum. It is a small stature tree with bold colors. There are also other varieties of Japanese maple trees with a wide range of leaf types, growth heights, and colors. Most of them do well in partially shaded locations. Japanese snowbell in particular, grows 20-30 feet tall and wide. It is lightly fragrant and white, and bell-shaped blooms appear late in spring to early summer.
So once again, which trees for small yards should you use to make sure that you are not going to either kill it, or plant something that really cannot flourish – you need to continue your research. You also need to talk to a nursery in your area as to which is the best tree to plant in your growing area.
Witch Hazel – Winterbloom or Witch Hazel is a small tree or a large shrub bearing fragrant yellow or orange-red fall or winter flowers. Witch Hazel comes in a number of sizes and shapes those most species are they suitable for well-drained, loamy, acidic soils.
American Hornbeam – American Hornbeam grows slowly, to around 30 feet tall and maybe as wide. It boasts of deep green leaves that turn yellow during fall, and the flowers and seeds are a great treat to wildlife.
It is always a good thing to add a tree or two to your property as it adds value to your home. You can even add some nice trees for small yards no matter whether you live in a home, condo or apt. You can always have a nice lemon tree in a container on your patio.
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